Friday, July 4, 2008

Politirant 1

Okay, where to begin..

I tried blogging a couple of days ago, but stupid Microsoft (windows and internet explorer at a cybercafe) totally wiped my whole blog and wouldn’t even let me save it as a draft.

Regardless, I’m not giving up, and I promise to faithfully try to keep up as internet access allows me to.

I know that you have all been wondering what Russia is like, and I hope that some of my rants here will give you some insight.

Right off the bat I want to say that it has not been easy being here and trying to always keep up a positive attitude for me. For those who know me well, you know that I tend to see the problems in society and always try to think of solutions and how things could be better..

With that in mind I can clearly say that Russia has a loooooong way to go in terms of any kind of social, economic, or environmental justice. In some ways it is amazing that this country functions at all, but in other ways it is truly inspiring the kinds of tough and creative people such an unsustainable struggle breeds. It is very ironic.

But at the end of the day, after my mom and my brother have given me enough shit for having a depressing attitude and look in my eyes, I do see a lot of opportunity for improvement. In fact, I think that there is a butt-load of money to be made here in services that will actually help the Russian people get out of this post-communist, westernly-perverted muck. The ironic thing is this, and there is a Russian saying that sums this up pretty well - One person asks a government official: “Do I have the right to do this? Yes” replies the government rep. “Can I do this? No.” is the stern and comedic reply.

This is true. While things are “legal” to do, it does not by any means you will be able to do them, because they system doesn’t work that way. It works on bribes, contacts, blackmail, and coercion.

While it is sad, so far it has gotten this country very far indeed...

~ Vlad


X said...

This is nothing new - I've been learning about the seedy underworld of both Russian and Chinese business for the past 9 months. What I find interesting is how we (as Americans) automatically assume the high road when bribery and corruption are a daily factor in our own lives as well - it's far more covert, yes. But just because Americans are masters as passive aggressiveness does not make us any less aggressive. $money$ still talks. Just to different people than us lowly menche.

Unknown said...

wow, reminds me of italy!

great to read your blog my rusky friend!