Saturday, June 21, 2008

Finally, .. we're here!

Hey all, thanks for staying tuned to our crazy little sneaky Russian trip :D

This is the first thing we did before we went on our trip. It is a Russian tradition, and is meant for a safe return to where we started.

Wow, that was quite a trip. I think it was the longest we've been on a single journey of traveling to a destination by airplane.
hey, when in Rome.... drink a lot of scotch!cheers!
finally got off the main plane trip in Frankfurt. waiting for a flight to Estonia
we learned one thing:
...booze + lack of sleep + complicated german menus = one confused and tired Vlad

We literally spent more than 24 hours, approx 30 hrs straight in a plane or waiting for a plane. I think we slept a total of like 2 hours in intermittent little wisps of rest, and even well can you rest on a plane..?

Anywho, check out some of the videos we made during the trip. We .. were.. delirious, say the least. We had a very "out of it" layover in Frankfurt before proceeding to the mother land.

Having fun with foreign words :)

later on that day in the Frankfurt airport..

After we got in we were greeted by my mom's old friends that used to live in the same building as us in Tallinn, and they were very friendly. They have two daughters our age so we're gonna hang and go drinking tomorrow night at this place called "The Beer House". ..I think its pretty indicative of what is to transpire :)

We checked in, and went out to a quick dinner..

and now we're off for some sleepy bye bye time now, thanks for staying tuned, we'll keep you on the up and up as we explore this next month =D

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hah your mom was drunk!